Guest David Pfrimmer enjoys a pineapple caesar at a mixing event sponsored by Mott's Clamato and featuring caesar mixing officer Clint Pattemore.
Pattemore shows his skill as he mixes his trademark drinks. The big hit of the evening; Tequilla Pineapple Caesars!
After an evening of great food and drink we head over to the Commodore to catch San Diego's hottest band, Switchfoot.
The band played from a list of hits songs like Dark Horses, Afterlife, Restless, and Vice Verses.
As well as a few songs like Mess of Me, and Enough(to let me go) from their latest, Grammy Award winning album, Hello Hurricane.
The band clearly enjoyed the show and took a moment to take it all in.
Lead singer Jon Foreman get up close and personal with the crowd.
The band is wildly popular with a core group of fans in their mid to late twenties and there music is described as Christian rock gospel.
Switchfoot is a surfing term that means to switch your feet and take a new stance facing the opposite direction. "It's about change and movement, a different way of approaching life and music," says Jon Foreman.
Fans got a better understanding of the term when Foreman leaped into the audience and made his way around the room switching feet as he climbed over tables and railings.
It was a good night and fans packed the place until the very last song.
Switchfoot continues their tour through the US, Europe, and Africa. Go to their website for more information.
Watch for Mott's Clamato at an event near you.
Switchfoot continues their tour through the US, Europe, and Africa. Go to their website for more information.
Watch for Mott's Clamato at an event near you.