BC Place Stadium christens its new arena with Roger Waters and his sensational The Wall Live tour.

photo: W Dallian
Fans waited in great anticipation for the show to begin.

photo: W Dallian
Some of Waters' biggest fans were lucky enough to get front row seats.

photo: W Dallian
The lights went down and the henchmen arrived.

photo: W Dallian
Streams of smoke and fire lit up the stage and uniformed men marched with enormous flags against Waters' iconic double hammer logo.

photo: W Dallian
Then the boss came out!

photo: W Dallian
The concert kicked off with part one of Another Brick in the Wall. On the screen behind him, Waters displayed the faces of victims of war and oppression.

photo: W Dallian
One by one the bricks in The Wall filled with familiar faces ...

photo: W Dallian
until, sadly, it was completely full.

photo: W Dallian
There was no second-guessing his message.

photo: W Dallian
Waters wiped tears from his eyes as he spoke to the audience of a man who'd been shot by the police in a case of mistaken identity.

photo: W Dallian
Part two introduced the "teacher".

photo: W Dallian
A one story, inflatable marionette, designed by Gerald Scarfe, fell from the ceiling, waving a rod ...

photo: W Dallian
and threatening the host of children who sang at its feet, We Don't Need no Education.

photo: W Dallian
I Believe, was the message to the kids. Think for yourself, believe in yourself.

photo: W Dallian
As the band played, the wall was built, brick by brick.

photo: W Dallian
Waters later played against a backdrop of footage of himself from a 1980 concert in London on Mother. Though his voice had clearly changed over the years, (Waters sang over the recording) it was still as resonant as ever.

photo: W Dallian
Powerhouse guitarists including Pink Floyd session/tour veteran Snowy White and Dave Kilminster kept the crowd happy with incredible guitar licks.

photo: W Dallian
"Enjoy yourselves" Waters called out to his fans as the show came to a close. Roger that!
Roger Waters' The Wall Live was sponsored by LiveNation