The Team of talented artists connected to the production that is showing at the Cultch right now have put together a particularly amusing rendition of what he's been up to all these years. While Judas sits in a small cell in Hell his ultimate fate is being decided by some of the biggest, controversial names in history.
An array of colorful witnesses, from Mother Teresa to Sigmund Freud, to the show stopping Saint Monica, all take their turn giving their take on how the whole "incident" went down and what Iscariot's fate should be in the end.
Writer Stephen Adly Guirgis, Rumble Productions and director Stephen Drover offer us a delicious mix of humour and drama in a well paced, well cast presentation that plays to theists and atheists alike. The cast of 14 double up on roles with ease and precision bringing a contemporary perspective to an ancient story.
Most of the humour might be lost on a younger audience and the play certainly has its fair share of profanity, but if you can get past the program guide you're in for a real treat. The Last Days of Judas Iscariot is a must see and one of the best shows the Cultch has presented this spring.
The show runs until April 21, 2012
for tickets and show times check out the Cultch